Our goal is for you to be happy with your purchase, and to encourage you to reach out to us so we can assist you in choosing the best possible products for your requirements. If for some reason you need to return your product, we will work with you to make that happen.


  • We are proud that most orders ship quickly, so it is important for you to call us at 714-688-1800 or email us as soon as possible if you need to cancel or change your order.

  • No cancellation fees will be charged if a stock order is cancelled before shipment.

  • Orders that have already shipped are subject to our standard return policy.

  • Special-order and customs are subject to a cancellation fee to cover the cost of materials used.

  • Built-to-order or custom-configured products may incur a cancellation fee.

What's not returnable?

  • Bulk orders

  • Special order or Custom-built items

  • Clearance items


We ask you to inspect the delivery for damage before signing for it and don’t throw away any of the packing material until you have assembled your items and are happy with them. This will help you return the items completely should you need to return anything.

Our guidelines below apply to all returns, however some brands have other rules that apply:

  • Contact us by phone (Monday - Friday 8am to 4pm PST @ 714-688-1800) or email us as soon as possible but no longer than 15 days. We will ask the reason for the return and provide you with a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Please do not return any items without first receiving your RMA number.

  • You'll be responsible for shipping the products to the return address provided with the RMA number.

  • All returned items must be disassembled and repackaged as they were originally received. Items not returned in this condition may be subject to additional fees.

  • Return approvals can take 4-6 business days. Once approved, return instructions will be sent via email.

  • Returns are usually processed within 3 business days of receiving the item. A refund will be issued once the item has been inspected. Return credit will be issued in the same manner as the original payment method. A typical refund can take up to 5 business days to be processed by your credit card provider.

  • We are not responsible for returns that are lost or damaged in transit, you will be responsible for filing a shipping claim.